O inimă şi-un suflet,
Eu sunt o lacrimă,
Tu un zâmbet,
Ne întâlnim adesea
În locul nostru secret,
Ne mai lovim
De câte-o amintire tristă
Şi de câte-un mic regret;
În clipele de rătăcire,
Ochii noştri se-ntâlnesc,
Tu străluceşti, eu strălucesc
Suntem raze de soare pe cer,
Niciun mister din Univers
Nu poate râmâne nedezlegat
De noi doi la pătrat,
Căci ne iubim cu-adevărat;
Suntem o singură ființă,
N-avem nevoie de pocăință
Pentru că iubirea noastră
E divină, e viață, e lumină.
Noi ne înțelegem dintr-o privire,
Tu-mi dai de ştire
Că mă iubești, în brațele mele
Mereu te-adăpostești
Ca într-un Templu al iubirii,
Eu te iubesc, mai presus
De legea firii.
Eu sunt frumuseţea zilelor tale,
Tu ești o stea albastră
În nopţile mele de jale,
Cuvintele tale sunt cristale
Din poveştile de dragoste ideale;
Noi avem aceeaşi
Cale de străbătut,
Am trecut de drumul abrupt,
Acum ne-așteaptă fericirea,
Iubirea ce ne leagă pe-amândoi
Ne apară de frig, de ploi;
Iubite, noi suntem doi,
Vom lupta cu lumea toată
Pentru iubirea noastră curată!
Toate drepturile
rezervate © Crisastemis
Din Volumul - Culorile iubirii
We are
We are a heart and a soul,
I am a tear, you are a smile,
We often meet in our secret place,
We're still hit by a sad memory
And a little regret;
In moments of wandering,
Our eyes meet, you shine, I shine,
We are sun rays in the sky,
No mysteries in the Universe
For us, everything is untied
Because we really love each other.
We are a single being,
We do not need repentance
Because our love it's divine,
it's life, it's light.
We can understand us
from a a glance,
You telling me every minute
that you love me,
You stay in my arms
as in the Temple of love,
I love you, more than words can say.
I'm the beauty of your days,
You're a blue star in my heavy nights,
Your words are crystals
from the ideal love stories.
Now, we have the same path,
The old steep road,
Remained in the past.
We're awaiting the happiness,
The love that binds both of us,
It defend us of cold and rains.
We are two, we'll fight
With whole world for our pure love!
We are a heart and a soul,
I am a tear, you are a smile,
We often meet in our secret place,
We're still hit by a sad memory
And a little regret;
In moments of wandering,
Our eyes meet, you shine, I shine,
We are sun rays in the sky,
No mysteries in the Universe
For us, everything is untied
Because we really love each other.
We are a single being,
We do not need repentance
Because our love it's divine,
it's life, it's light.
We can understand us
from a a glance,
You telling me every minute
that you love me,
You stay in my arms
as in the Temple of love,
I love you, more than words can say.
I'm the beauty of your days,
You're a blue star in my heavy nights,
Your words are crystals
from the ideal love stories.
Now, we have the same path,
The old steep road,
Remained in the past.
We're awaiting the happiness,
The love that binds both of us,
It defend us of cold and rains.
We are two, we'll fight
With whole world for our pure love!
All rights reserved © Crisastemis
From the Volume - The Colors of lov
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