A căzut ultima frunză
Dintr-un arbore bătrân,
A luat-o vântul şi a dus-o
La un capăt de drum.
Era o frunză palidă
Totuşi candidă,
Din ea muşcase o omidă
Şi a rănit-o atât de rău...
Dar ea s-a dus la un pârâu
cu apă limpede,
Şi-a clătit trupul firav,
Culoarea i-a revenit repede
Dar sufletul ei era bolnav.
Îşi iubise-atât de mult copacul
ce îi dăduse viaţă,
Fericirea o cuprindea
Când se trezea alături de el
În fiecare dimineaţă.
Era totul atât de frumos,
Inima-i sălta de fericire
În cântecul toamnei duios
Până să vină iarnă...
Frunza a îngheţat de frig,
Gerul era atât de aprig!
I-a distrus trupul plăpând
Şi a lăsat-o suspinând.
A murit cerşind îndurare,
Rănile o dureau atât de tare!
Dar nu a mai ripostat,
În faţa iernii, a cedat!
© Crisastemis
Din Volumul- Sanctuar
The last leaf
It fell the last leaf
From an old tree,
The wind took her far away,
At the end of the road.
It was a pale leaf,
But so fragile,
She was bitten by a caterpillar
And hurt her so bad...
But she went to a river
with clear water
To rinse her sick body...
The color of the leaf
quickly was recovered,
But her soul was sick...
She loved so much the tree
who had given her life,
She was shrouded by happiness
When woke up next to him
In every morning...
It was all so beautiful,
The heart of leaf, was full with joy
In the endearing song of autumn,
Before coming winter...
Poor leaf was frozen of cold,
The winter was so fierce!
It fell the last leaf
From an old tree,
The wind took her far away,
At the end of the road.
It was a pale leaf,
But so fragile,
She was bitten by a caterpillar
And hurt her so bad...
But she went to a river
with clear water
To rinse her sick body...
The color of the leaf
quickly was recovered,
But her soul was sick...
She loved so much the tree
who had given her life,
She was shrouded by happiness
When woke up next to him
In every morning...
It was all so beautiful,
The heart of leaf, was full with joy
In the endearing song of autumn,
Before coming winter...
Poor leaf was frozen of cold,
The winter was so fierce!
It destroyed her frail body
And left her sobbing.
She died, begging for mercy,
The wounds were so deeply,
But she did not say nothing,
In front of the winter, she gave up!
And left her sobbing.
She died, begging for mercy,
The wounds were so deeply,
But she did not say nothing,
In front of the winter, she gave up!
© Crisastemis
From The Volume - Sanctuary
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