marți, 26 iulie 2016

Could you... ?

If I would ask you something today
You'll be sincere in all you'll say?
Can you believe in my love
As I believe in your love?
Can you offer me the moon
If I'll offer you the sun?
It hurts your heart,
When the arrow of my love is in it?
If I give you a piece of me,
You could stick it with a piece of you?
If I give you my loving soul
Could you give me all your love?
If I give you my life
Can you give me your life instead?
Can you promise me
That you'll stay always with me?
I can promise you honestly,
I will love you endlessly!
My love has no boundaries,
I will cross over 
mountains and seas
To hold you in my arms,
To give you all the love.
If you would treat me like a queen
I could be your perfect woman,
I would never let you down,
From my precious love
I could build you a golden town.
If someday you will cheat me
You'll be honest and you'll recognize?
And if I'll forgive you,
You will never tell me lies?
If somewhere in this world
Another woman would want you,
If you'll fall in love with her,
You would leave me, 
You would hate me?
If I be sick of your longing,
You could heal the pain from my soul?
If someday you'll break my heart
You could fix your mistake?
If I'll go through fire for you
You could extinguish the flames
With hundred tears for me?
If I'll get lost in the maze of life
You will come to save me?
You care about me
In the way that I care about you?
Can you love me
In the way you love your eyes?
You could want me,
In the way you want to see the light?
If our love would ever die
You will regret, you will cry?
If you'll be lost through memories
Could you find your peace in me?
If I would be the reason of your life
I could give you wings to fly
Far from the world of evil,
We'll go hand in hand 

straight to paradise.
I'd go with you on a magical land
Where there are no sins,
I'd offer you only true love
And unlimited happiness;
I could change your sadness into joy,
I'd give you thousands of rays of sun,
I could be turned 

Into a jasmine flower,
You could wear me as a perfume
On the collar of your shirt,
On your skin, over your body.
I'd put you on a pedestal,
You would be my ideal man,
I'd invite you to a royal feast
To Imperial Palace.
I'd give you the blue sky
If I could be the love of your life.
If you would love me forever
Our love will be a flame
That will burn ceaselessly,
In our innocent souls
The love will live eternally!

All rights reserved © Crisastemis
From The Book - Contrasts


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