sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Burning desires

Our hands, touching each other,
Two silver tears fall on our cheeks
Like two round pearls,
Thirsty lips dried, need water,
Tired eyes asking to sleep.

Two minds agitated as the sea,
Two thoughts deep as the oceans,
The rain that never stops...
We're touched by raindrops
And it hurts, deep in our hearts,

Old memories still live inside us.

The autumn
knocking at our door,
Two pieces of broken hearts
are on the floor,
The empty spaces
Are stuffed with our sorrows,
The sharp arrows of the loneliness
Are stings in our souls,
The hopes, are like open windows
But the gates of love are closed.

Two flying dreams
Between heaven and earth
Are stopped by a string of black clouds,
We are surrounded by despair,
Our lungs inspire polluted air,
We're tired of pain,
Games and betrayals,
Too much waiting is hurting.

We live now
In two strange worlds...
You're at North Pole,
I'm at the South Pole,
We're separated
by a huge wall...

Even if the love has no border,
Sometimes, the pride
is bigger than the love,
We are not strong enough
To can delete the past.

But we can keep
the old happy story,
We must be glad
For we can still dream
At what it was, what is
Or what will be...

Burning desires
Still live in a hidden
corner of our hearts,

We live between
dreams and reality...

Naked bodies wishing love,
Open arms wishing warm hugs,
Hot lips wanting a tender kiss.

But is too much silence
Between both of us,
Are frozen feelings,
Questions without answers...
Where did we go wrong,
Why the love ran so fast... ?

Like two ordinary people,
We are scared,
We no longer have patience,
From slaves of love,
We have become
slaves of unhappiness.

We're very disappointed
Because time is passing
And never coming back...

Soon will come the cold winter,
The smiles will be again
frozen on our faces.

Our feelings of love
Will be washed as the sea sand
When they'll meet
with the venom of hatred.
We must be careful, anyway,
If we'll choose the wrong way,
We'll be disappointed always.

If the love will die,
We'll live in darkness,
In our soul,
Will remain loneliness,
Indiference, sadness...

We need deliverance,
Light and quietness,
We need forgiveness
And forgetfulness.

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© Crisastemis

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