miercuri, 25 mai 2016

Separate ways

Another rainy day,
Another night
passes over me...
Why did you left me?
Without you, in my life
is only sadness.
Your love was
like a wild storm
But now you kill me
with your silence.

I am lost in memories,
I have to choose
between love or sins,
You stole my love
piece by piece
And now, you run away
from me.

I wonder where you are
and what you do,
I want to forget you
but I can't forgive you...
You destroyed the last drop
of love from my heart,
Was my pure love
that I had for you from the start.

Why you hurt me?
I don't have tranquility,
It's so hard without you,
But what more can I do?

I wanted to find you,
To tell you that I love you,
But you... only you,
beautiful stranger,
You've passed through my life
Like a passenger.

I'm like in a love hunt
But so tired of  waiting,
The wounds are too many in me
And still I can't love anybody.

Autumn passes with cold rains,
The tears are dried in my eyes,
Winter will cover our love story
But I'll think of you incessantly.

I just want to know,
Why you are so cold?
Why is there in your heart
An ice huge wall?

Large snowflakes fall over me,
I remember you suddenly...
I lose from my safety
Because I'm still lonely
In this overwhelming immensity.

But the sun will shine again
To erase my old pain,
The spring will come anyway
And I will only go on my way.

I'll try give up on your love
Even if the suffering is too heavy
And yes, I know,
You don't have mercy,
I must have much power
To cross over all this sorrow.

I will leave you behind
As a sad chapter from my life,
Your love will remain in my heart
As a deep wound made by a sharp knife.

And yet, I will love you to infinity
And I'll keep you in my memory...
Even if we'll go on separate ways,
You'll be in my soul always!

Another romanian 
version of this poem 
is published in the book

 All rights reserved
© Crisastemis

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