duminică, 16 aprilie 2017

Unfinished stories

Empty streets,
Smell of dried flowers,
Not endless summers,
No beautiful story about lovers.

Old trees, dead leaves,
Sadness, as a desease,
The hopes, wings of butterflies.

Dozens of strange hours,
Darkened spaces,
thrills, unspoken words,
Unfinished stories.

Worries, dangers,
A dagger in the back,
A bullet in a heart
that struggles
like a wounded bird.

Only a happy day,
Many waiting nights,
A love die slowly,
A soul beg mercy.

Too many question marks,
Many deep scars,
Another romance
Without radiance.

Pieces of memories,
Feelings from the past,
Time flies too fast,
Only strong relations can last.

 All rights reserved © Crisastemis
From the volume - The colors of love

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