demult apuse,
Inimi răpuse,
Cuvinte nespuse.
Scrisori nedeschise,
Rânduri nescrise,
Dorinţe ucise,
Cioburi de vise.
Flori veştejite,
Suflete rănite,
Focuri mocnite,
Vise risipite.
Ecouri înăbuşite,
Speranţe pierdute,
Cuvinte tăcute,
Vise strivite.
Ochi trişti şi goi,
Cuvântul „doi” sau „noi”
Ce nu mai există...
O viaţă prea tristă.
Dor infinit,
Furtuni fără sfârşit,
Un trup prăbuşit,
O iubire ce-a murit.
© Crisastemis
Din Volumul - Printre nostalgii
Shards of dreams
Love stories, from long gone,
Broken hearts,
Unspoken words.
Unopened letters,
Unwritten rows,
Killed wishes,
Shards of dreams.
Withered flowers,
Wounded souls,
Smoldering fires,
Scattered dreams.
Muffled echoes,
Lost hopes,
Silent words,
Crushed dreams.
Empty eyes,
The word "two" or "we"
What no longer exists,
A life too sad...
Infinite longing,
Endless storms,
A body who collapsed,
A love has died.
Love stories, from long gone,
Broken hearts,
Unspoken words.
Unopened letters,
Unwritten rows,
Killed wishes,
Shards of dreams.
Withered flowers,
Wounded souls,
Smoldering fires,
Scattered dreams.
Muffled echoes,
Lost hopes,
Silent words,
Crushed dreams.
Empty eyes,
The word "two" or "we"
What no longer exists,
A life too sad...
Infinite longing,
Endless storms,
A body who collapsed,
A love has died.
© Crisastemis
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