joi, 28 iulie 2016

Waiting for you to come

I wanna get over my old memories
waiting for you to come to save me,
I count my steps on the deserted paths,
I can't feel my heartbeat,
Tears covers again my eyes.

The world seems so big,
It's so oppressive the loneliness!
My love from afar,
Without you, nothing has value!

It seems that time has stopped for me,
I'm lost in the immensity of the silence,
The sadness sits on my shoulders,
My tears fall down like cold raindrops.

Is so hard without you,
Everything seems strange...
My new life is a challenge
But I still love you,
I have not forgotten you.

Without you, my days are ugly,
My nights become nightmares,
Nothing can makes me happy,
My life is so empty!

You're in my all thoughts,
But time goes by so slowly,
Please, come to me!
Only your beautiful love
Can save me by the wickedness
Of my world!

Take me in your world,
Please save my heart!
Heal my pain
With a touch of your love!

No matter how long it will take,
I will wait you all my life!
Only you are my happiness,
My love will be all yours!

I will keep you in my heart,
You'll be always in my mind,
My beautiful shining star,
You'll be the light of my life!

But if ever, the love spell
of us it will disappear
Please, don't forget me,
Keep me in your memory!

If the chain of love that binds us
will break someday,
Will not be my fault
Because I will love you always!

I loved you
More than I thought
That I can love someone,
I love you with all my being,
You will remain my only love,
Maybe the last one!

And if somewhere, sometime,
God will create me again,
Only with you I'll spend my life,
For there will be no death for me
As long as I have your love!

All rights reserved
© Crisastemis

From The Volume - Among memories 

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