vineri, 8 iulie 2016


Unspoken words,
Unfulfilled dreams,
Hidden desires,
Secret love,
Stories, poems,
Feelings, emotions,

Old times,
Experiences, decadence,
Influences, confluences...
Betrayals, collapse.

Many regrets,
The sadness,
The burden of the loneliness,
The thrill of unhappiness,
The need of forgiveness.

Cold winters,
in the snow,
The nights cover the days,
The dawn don't want to see us...

Words unread between the lines,
Strong desires flying like birds
Over high walls of the silence,
Empty word... the pain...
Too ugly word... the hate,
The mistake to love in vain...

The hopes,
The world of dreams, struggling
with the world of reality,
The life, opposes death,
The pains of humanity,
The need for liberty...

Wonderful words were forgotten,
The beautiful words are unfinished,
Hundreds of words were buried
In the shores with pristine sands
Washed by the sea water...

The past, the present, the future,
The time, who suddenly disappears,
The beauty who don't last forever...
He with she... don't remain together.

But are few words spoken
in all the world,
Words that we'll keep in memory...

I love you... I want you...
I am sorry... Goodbye...
I hate you... Why?
Thank you... This is life... !

And life, for sure, will go forward,
all happy or sad words...

All rights reserved
© Crisastemis

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