joi, 30 iunie 2016

You are

Everywhere I go,
You're always with me,
You're my shadow,
You're infinite love flow.

You are the sun,
which never sets,
You're the time,
passing and comes,
You're my bird of paradise,
Thanks to you,
My ordinary days
Are now sunny days.

You're a blessed rain,
Only you can take my pain,
You make me happy
in every moment,
You bring me only fulfillment.

No matter how far you are,
Your love, lives in my heart,
Wherever you will be,
My love will be near you.

Please, trust in me
In the way I trust in you,
I will not disappoint you,
I'll be always with you!

My sweet love,
You are the prettiest star,
Only you can open the sky lights,
You are the miracle
of my divine nights.

You're a river
with clear blue water,
You're the bridge
that passes me over trouble,
You have the key of all hearts,
Only you can open all the locks.

You're my garden
with perfumed flowers,
When I'm with you
Never mind the hours,
I want to spend with you
Endless special moments.

You're my world full of splendor,
You're the rainbow
with his warm colors,
You're the gentle breeze
of summer.

You are my luck, my destiny,
Only you can make me happy,
You are the air that I breathe,
Only next to you
I feel I can be free.

You're my reason to live,
You are the meaning of love,
You're the joy of being,
For me, you are everything!

Words are too small
To tell you how precious
you are to me,
But I can tell you definitely,
I will love you eternally!

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© Crisastemis

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