Eram doi fluturi,
Iubindu-ne la începuturi,
Acum suntem părţi rupte
Din trecuturi.
Cândva demult, eram lumini,
Copaci cu puternice rădăcini,
Astăzi suntem doar umbre,
Ne rătăcim
Prin gândurile sumbre.
Mi-ai fost soare,
Ți-am fost Lună,
Îţi făcusem cunună
Din sentimente de aur;
Mi-ai fost frunză de laur,
Ţi-am fost tezaur,
Mi-ai fost cântec iubit,
Ţi-am fost Univers şi Infinit.
Mi-ai fost timp nedefinit,
Ţi-am fost vis împlinit,
Mi-ai fost alinare,
Ţi-am fost cărare dreaptă
Spre iubirea adevărată.
Ţi-am fost şoaptă,
Mi-ai fost cuvânt,
Iubire, jurământ,
Val uriaş de mare,
Cutremur de pământ.
© Crisastemis
Din Volumul - Culorile iubirii
Iubindu-ne la începuturi,
Acum suntem părţi rupte
Din trecuturi.
Cândva demult, eram lumini,
Copaci cu puternice rădăcini,
Astăzi suntem doar umbre,
Ne rătăcim
Prin gândurile sumbre.
Mi-ai fost soare,
Ți-am fost Lună,
Îţi făcusem cunună
Din sentimente de aur;
Mi-ai fost frunză de laur,
Ţi-am fost tezaur,
Mi-ai fost cântec iubit,
Ţi-am fost Univers şi Infinit.
Mi-ai fost timp nedefinit,
Ţi-am fost vis împlinit,
Mi-ai fost alinare,
Ţi-am fost cărare dreaptă
Spre iubirea adevărată.
Ţi-am fost şoaptă,
Mi-ai fost cuvânt,
Iubire, jurământ,
Val uriaş de mare,
Cutremur de pământ.
© Crisastemis
Din Volumul - Culorile iubirii
Long time ago...
We were two butterflies,
Our love was strong
in the beginning,
Now we're broken parts
From the past.
Long time ago, we were lights
And trees with strong roots,
Today we are just shadows,
We're wander through dark thoughts.
You were my sun,
I was your Moon,
I've made for you a crown
From my feelings of gold.
You were my laurel leaf,
I've been your treasure,
You were my great love,
I was your Universe and Infinite.
You've been
my indefinite time,
I've fulfilled your dreams,
You were my happiness,
I was your right path
Toward true love.
I was your whisper,
You were my word,
Love, oath,
Powerful wave of sea,
© Crisastemis
From the Volume - The Colors of Love
We were two butterflies,
Our love was strong
in the beginning,
Now we're broken parts
From the past.
Long time ago, we were lights
And trees with strong roots,
Today we are just shadows,
We're wander through dark thoughts.
You were my sun,
I was your Moon,
I've made for you a crown
From my feelings of gold.
You were my laurel leaf,
I've been your treasure,
You were my great love,
I was your Universe and Infinite.
You've been
my indefinite time,
I've fulfilled your dreams,
You were my happiness,
I was your right path
Toward true love.
I was your whisper,
You were my word,
Love, oath,
Powerful wave of sea,
© Crisastemis
From the Volume - The Colors of Love
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